Most people fight Debt Buyer lawsuits on their own because it wouldn’t be cost effective to hire an attorney. Many people have never been sued by a Debt Buyer and really don’t understand the process. Attorney Robert Flessas has created an eDocument entitled a Simple Guide to Understanding and Answering a Complaint.

The eDocument walks you through a typical Debt Buyer complaint that is served upon you. It provides you with an understanding of each paragraph of a complaint and the legal theories that a Debt Buyer’s attorney pleads to sue you and get a judgment. It’s written in plain english to make it easy to understand.

If you read this eDocument, you will fully understand the elements of the complaint, then learn how to provide a legal answer.

When you’re served with a Debt Buyer lawsuit, you are required to answer the complaint within a very limited period of time. If you fail to answer, then the Debt Buyer’s attorney will automatically obtain a judgment against you, then look to garnish your wages.

Don’t let this happen to you. Use this valuable document to help defend yourself. You can download the document from this link on PayPal.